Monday, November 12, 2012

"The lighter side of grammar"

Since we are creating our memes about grammar, we should talk about a funny way to convey either the importance of grammar in particular settings, or the non-importance of grammar. Below is a link to humors ways we can address the issue of grammar in our memes! Explore the other links on this website was well, they may spark your imagination!

Know your meme...

Since we have been discussing the importance of grammar in class, and the use of memes, we have learned that we need to know a lot on our topic to create an effective meme. You may want to look into the type of knowledge you will need to create an effective meme. Below is a link to help you familiarize yourself with what a meme needs to be effective. We will also discuss in class what a meme about grammar might need. (A link to follow on that topic.)

Applying memes to our classroom

Since the introduction of memes and our exploration of their use, lets connect our memes to grammar and literacies. While creating your meme think about the following:

1. Who is the audience?
2. How can we portray what we want to say in only a few words?
3. Is the image in my meme effective?
4. Does my meme convey a clear message about grammar?
5. What literacy is my meme addressing? (In school or out of school). 

We will share our memes next class, so you can finish this up outside of school as homework if you do not complete it in class.

Create your own!

Now that we have discussed the importance of grammar and when it should be used, lets create our own memes. Watch the video below, it may help you figure out what to include in your meme...

Think about it...

Looking specifically at the first Meme about memes having bad grammar. Think about this question, do you have to be good at grammar and grammar rules in order to break the conventions of grammar and create a meme? In other words, if memes are suppose to have poor grammar, does one need to know proper grammar first in order to create one? 

As a class we will continue this discussion. We will think about the different ways we use grammar or not and in what settings it is most important. 

Think of some times when it is important to use correct grammar. For homework brainstorm a list (between 5-7 ideas) of when we need to use proper grammar. Create another list of the same length brainstorming when we do not need to use proper grammar, or when it would be better if a did not use proper grammar. 

Discussing Grammar Memes

Discuss what the previous posted Memes are saying about grammar. Is grammar important, or are these memes making grammar out to be something that has a certain place and time to be used? If you think the second, what place and times would be appropriate for using correct grammar? 

Examples of Memes about grammar